

This dear reader is a culmination of the ideas, thoughts, facts, and stuff ping-ponging around in my head. If you’ve stumbled here by accident, congratulations you’ve found a crazy person! [No one knows what crazy is really anymore, we don’t even know what normal is…so it’s all relative, right?] If you’ve been directed here, now is your ONE and ONLY WARNING…For what exactly? Beats the hell out of me. Sounded good to type at the time. Life over the years has kicked me in the ass and run me over like a mac truck (that’s a lorry to you brits out there), but it’s also given me good. Some days there’s winning, some days there’s losing, and you just hope to be able to tread water long enough to not drown and continue that long ass journey. To where? Who knows? I’ll end this with this thought…Do you know how some people attribute life to having peaks and valleys (up the mountain and down the hill)? Well, life is like goddamn white water rapids…all quiet and calm, but then turbulent enough to throw you overboard and almost drown you.

Talk Later!

When Life gives you 🍋’s

My apologies for this being a bit depressive, morbid, shitty outlook lease on life (we’ve all felt this way, one time or several, if you haven’t, well luck you I guess…..)

You know that saying “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade“? Currently, I feel like life is giving me rocks. Your guess is as good as mine as to what the hell to do with rocks other than move them if I can. Because honestly there isn’t anywhere for the rocks to go, except behind or beside. Which when you put rocks beside you or behind you they just sort of cage you in making escape almost impossible and quite frankly there is no turning back. Life is work yes, I understand this 510%. What I don’t understand is why do I feel as if I’m having to start over and over and over and over… you get the picture.

I passed comment the other day to someone that I had come to the conclussion I needed to be a cockroach and hide till after everyting and everyone dies off. Their response, “What if someone steps on you before then?” My response, “Then I guess good riddance, means I wouldn’t have to wait around, I’d be already gone.” Morbid and depressing, I know, but this is just how my mind seems to process everything. Often I’m asked if I’m ‘happy‘. The honest answer is no, because I don’t know what will make me happy. I’d wager to say I’m somewhere between ‘content‘ and ‘okay’, but there are no words really to describe it.

I’ll leave you with these questions to mull on: Are you truly happy? How do you know you’re truly happy? What contributes to this happiness?

Talk soon. 🙃